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    An Introduction to Web, App, and Game Development

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    Class Overview

    In this hands-on class, students will dive into the world of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, with a strong focus on practical application.
    - Learn Core Technologies: Gain a foundational understanding of HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity. These skills will lay the groundwork for building dynamic, responsive websites.

    - Build a Project: Develop your own pet project. This could be anything from a personal blog to an interactive web application, allowing for creativity and individual expression.

    - Hands-On Experience: Work on real-world scenarios and coding challenges faced by professional web developers. This hands-on approach ensures that students not only learn but also apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.
    What will we be learning about?
    - HTML
    - JavaScript
    - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    - C#, .NET
    - PHP

    Any age

    English, Latvian

    Laptop is needed.


    Curriculum for this class

    An Introduction

    This is an introduction to what you will learn in this class.



    Do I need a high-grade laptop?

    No any standard laptop with 8gb RAM will work just fine.

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