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    Introduction to Fiction Writing

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    Class Overview

    Hi! There, This is Leonida Valerian; I am a fiction writer with three solid years of experience writing fictions. I have created this class to allow beginners to learn how to write fiction stories.
    This class will allow you to:
    Apply and learn to write fiction and generate stories by creating characters
    Study the notions of writing from your experience and research
    Discover the possibility of using a writer's notebook to develop ideas and increase sensitivity to observation
    Identify and understand the importance of other writers and work to build your reading skills as a writer
    Develop your knowledge of publishing by developing your style and your presentation vocabulary
    The following topics will be well-covered in this class:
    Creation of fantasy characters
    Different sources for story characters
    Ways to present characters in stories
    Read as a writer
    Writing practice, including creativity, research, observation, and editing
    Peer review, workshops, and importance of feedback
    This class is suitable for anyone interested in writing fictions; you will learn all you need to begin a career as a fiction writer.

    20 Years old and above


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